Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Activities in Kids' World Afterschool

KIDS IN ACTION (Preschool & Kindergarten)



Kids' World Afterschool Program

Mental Arimatika
*Usia 4 tahun ke atas
*Operasi math (+, -, x dan :)
*Berhitung cepat dan tepat
*Menggunakan alat bantu sempoa
*Melatih disiplin & konsentrasi

get a headstart in English
quick reading & writing thru Phonics
for 3 years and up
Language Development :
Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing
Learning Process :
Recognize alphabet
Understand sounds
Proper reading & writing
Story comprehension
Grammar & Vocabulary
Active & Dynamic thru :
game-movie-song-outing-arts-cooking-and many more

stimulated by edu-toys & computer application
for 3 years and up
Proses-proses pembelajaran :
*latihan motorik halus
*pengenalan huruf
*pelafalan yang benar
*pandai membaca
*pandai menulis
*menulis huruf cetak
*menulis huruf sambung
*menulis karangan
*aplikasi komputer dan mainan pendidikan


self defense & discipline for 4 years and up
Available for boys & girls
International curriculum
Self-defense and discipline
Serious but fun and entertaining
National and International competition

daddy, mommy...and me for family

For Kindergarten and Primary
Menggunakan kurikulum Singapura yang disesuaikan
Belajar matematika dengan :
*mengerti konsep
*penyelarasan otak kanan & otak kiri
Dengan alat peraga
Soal lengkap & berkualitas meliputi :
*Basic questions, Thinking Skill questions, IQ questions & Story questions

self confident and discipline for 3 years and up
Improve self-confidence
Exposed to discipline
Trained instructors
Fun, exciting but serious

step by step drawing and fun art for 3 years and up Step by step process :
Fine motoric skill
Proper coloring technique
Creative idea to drawing skill
Proper drawing technique
Free drawing technique
Creating comic book
*Structured program
*Free but organized
*Well-trained teachers
*Fun, interactive & creative
*Art center activities

Mandarin Language for 3 years upInternational Mandarin
Well-designed curriculum & well-trained staffs
School Tutoring & General course
Daily conversation
Proper writing
Interactive & Creative thru :
game-movie-song-outing-arts-cooking-and many more

Kids' World - The facilities

Our Building
Outdoor Playground
Indoor Playground (Multi Purpose Hall)

SoftPlayRoom (Gym & Games Room)

Pink Room (FunPre-Tods & FunToddlers Class)

Blue Room (FunKids Class)

Green Room (FunKindies Class)

Exploration Room (Montessori their way..)

Audio Visual Room (Movie, Music & Reading Time)

Washing hands & Toilet Room

Kids' World Preschool & Kindergarten

Children are little treasure to every parents that all the best is always wanted for these little ones. Therefore, Kids' World sets a mission that every child should be treated personally according to his or her unique characteristics and potentials.

To accomplish its mission, Kids' World comes with philosophy that self-exploration and personal-experiment are important for children on the golden ages. And small teachers-students ratio in the classroom is another important issue to assure that "process is much more important that the result".

Childhood is identical to play-time and Kids' World is a fun educational center, so "fun-learning-thru-playing" is the best-suited method, where children happily learn and play in a "world full of love and care".

As part of society, we also care...thru Kids' World Care program, we regularly gather donation and distribute to those in need. This way, children learn to develop social attitude and empathy feeling towards others.

What does Kids' World have? Academic Abilities and Social Skills, Practical Life Training, Self-Independent and Self-Confidence, Simple Rules and Routine activities, Balanced mind and body thru balanced indoor and outdoor activities, Play and Learn, Hands-on experiments and Library Time, Music and Movement, Trips and Children Performance; and many more. For young learners, Kids' World emphasizes on "character development".

Finally, the main task of early childhood education provider is preparing children to be ready for the next education level and to face the real world in the future. That's wrapped up Kids' World's main goal since the beginning, at the moment and in the future.

Kids' World, Behind the Idea

We all believe that every child is a unique individual with blends of different characteristics. Therefore to let every child grow strong wit his or her own characteristics, the founders of Tunas Kreasi Mandiri has established Kids' World.
With "world of love, care and hope" motto, Kids' World ~fun educational center, provides a world where love and care play important role to prepare child's little step to further educational level and to face the real world to reach their big hope.
In late 2000, Kids' World initially opens a Preschool facility at its main center at Jl. Suryo No. 5 - Senopati, South Jakarta ; and within a year the Kindergarten class starts. The first branch comes two years later at Kota Wisata - Cibubur, East Jakarta.
Later on, Kids' World starts the Afterschool programs ; starting from Smart Readers, formerly FEC (Fun English Center by Kids' World), Baca-Tulis (supported by GAFA) and Mental Aritmatika or Sempoa (Supported by AMMA Indonesia).
And nowdays, Kids' World provides one stop educational center for children ages of 1.0 - 15 years thru Preschool & Kindergarten in the Formal Education Line and 7 (seven) Afterschool programs (English thru Phonics, Sempoa, Baca-Tulis, Kursus Matematika (Tutoring), Taekwondo, Ballet and Drawing in the Informal Education Line.